

For calling to a Taiwan Phone from overseas:

Dial +886(Taiwan Country Code)

Follow by area code

Follow by the actual phone number


For Calling overseas from Taiwan:

Dial Taiwan's international access code, 002, followed by the country code of the country and the area code of the party that you are calling and followed by the actual phone number.


For international information, call this free number:(0800)080100


A. Taipei Free public Wi-Fi

Please visit TPE-free ( to get more information about Taipei free public WI-FI access.


B. Wireless Internet

We’ll provide Wi-Fi at the meeting venue during the conference period.


C. Smart Phone Rental

You can rent a smart phone and use its Wi-Fi service. Please visit the Smart Traveling Service ( to get more information about phone rental and fee.


D. Calling Card / Phone Card

Calling cards are inexpensive and offer an easy and cheap way to call back to your home country, and it can be easily purchased at Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, Far Eastone Telecommunications, and also at convenience stores (eg. 7-11). If you need the 3G internet service, please check with the service supplier.

Register Now

Important Dates

Registration Opens for APCERT Member
15 November 2013

Call for Presentation Submission Opens
15 November 2013

Registration Opens for Non Member
20 December 2013

Final Deadline for Submissions
31 December 2013

Acceptance Notification
31 January 2014

Final Slides/Materials Received
25 February 2014

Final Deadline for members/invited guests Registration
7 March 2014

APCERT AGM and Conference 2014
18-21 March 2014

Contact Us

APCERT AGM & Conference 2014 Conference Office
No.116, Fuyang St., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
P: +886-2-2723-2213 -220
F: +886-2-2729-0720
Taiwan National Computer Emergency Response Team

Supported by

Institute for Information Industry

Platinum Sponsor

Microsoft Corporation

Gold Sponsor

Trend Micro